Sunday, September 11, 2016

11. September: A day at the beach in Majori

Majori  (Post from Tanja)

On sunday I met Reno in Majori and fell in love with the beauty of the town straight away. First we just walked through the centre and looked at the interesting architecture of some of the big wooden houses. Then we went up one of the sightseeing towers and only saw trees..... It really is amazing that Majori looks like a forest from above because of all the tall trees. I heard that it is very difficult to get permission to cut a tree down, therefore many people have them in their gardens. That doesn't only look beautiful, it also is a great natural protection from icy weather and from the sand, so there won't ever be desertification and, of course, trees are much more important than a lot of us think.

Majori absolutely impressed me. I couldn't even imagine that there are modern cities that are so extremely green. In my hometown Bamberg for example they are planning on cutting down a piece of the forest to provide space for a new industrial area. When I tried explaining to people how important it is, to keep the forest and that we don't need  even more industry, they wouldn't understand or listen to me.
Furthermore, I absolutely love the idea of having sightseeing towers that you can visit for free! (Wouldn't be possible in Germany - many people only think about profit) and the climbing park they built in the forest (jup, that proves again, that Latvians are sportive!).

Of course, I loved the sea, too. The beach was unbelievably clean, there weren't too many cafes that could make it dirty -only one big hotel, and the water was warm enough to swim in. I was the first to get in the water and stayed there longer than Reno! We had a swim, ate some cookies, made a peace bird and had a 
photoshooting when the sun set.

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