Saturday, January 21, 2017

21. January : Animals gone wild!šŸ˜

(Post from Tanja šŸ˜Š)

This Saturday, we made cute little animals out of toilet paper rolls.
Every kid was allowed to create as many as they wanted to using their own imagination. I only showed them two examples,  a fox and a mouse and was truly surprised what they came up with ☺

This is how you do it:
1. Fold in the top of the paper roll, to make it look like ears.
2. Paint it and glue cardboard, wool, eyes or other material on to make it look perfect.
3. Finished  šŸ˜Š

The reason, why we used the paper rolls, is because waste is a huge problem in the whole world affecting the ecosystem everywhere.
Waste often lands on gigantic landfills where it takes ages to rott.
Sometimes it is burned, producing a lot of CO2 at the same time, which is one of the main reasons for environment change and an increase of nature catastrophes.
So you should always try to reduce your waste. The waste, you can't prevent, you should try to use in a clever or nice way ☺

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