Saturday, February 11, 2017

Creating valentine's day presents! ❤

This is a post from Tanja 😊
Valentine's day was on it's way!
Therefore, obviously we had to create pretty presents for our loved ones.

The kids made beautiful candle jars. Funnily most of them dedicated theirs to their mother. 😊

This is how you make them:
1. Collect glas jars and remove the etiquette with hot water.
2. Cut out a lot of hearts of special thin paper.
3. Cover your glas in a thin layer of decoupage glue.
4. Carefully stick the hearts on and completely attach them by placing more decoupage glue on them and then spreading it with a paintbrush.
5. Wait untilit's dry.
6. Cut out some hearts from colourful carton, make a hole in each one with a hole puncher and write a cute message for your loved one on it.
7. Wrap some wool or string around the top and knot the carton hearts to it.
8. Place a candle inside.
9. Finished!

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